This project (2018-2021) was funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). As a promotor I worked with postdoctoral researcher Boris Verbrugge and PhD student Maria Eugenia Robles Mengoa to study informalization processes in the global gold production system.
Find all information on the project website
- Verbrugge, B., & Geenen, S. (Eds.) (2020) Global Gold Production Touching Ground. Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. London: Palgrave MacMillan.
Articles/book chapters
- Dunia Kabunga, P. and Geenen, S. (2022) Work regimes and technology-driven transformations in DRCongo’s artisanal and small-scale gold mines. The Extractive Industries and Society.
- Prescott, G.; Baird, M.; Geenen, S.; Nkuba, B.; Phelps, J. and Webb, E. (2022) Formalizing Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining: a Grand Challenge of the Minamata Convention. One Earth.
- Robles, M.E.; Verbrugge, B. & Geenen, S. (2022) Does formalization make a difference in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM)? Insights from the Philippines. The Extractive Industries and Society,
- Cuvelier, J., Geenen, S. and Verbrugge, B. (2022) Governance. In: D’Angelo, L. and Pijpers, R. The anthropology of resource extraction. Routledge: 77-93.
- Verbrugge, B., & Thiers, R. (2022) Artisanal and small-scale mining. In Akram-Lodhi, H., Dietz, K., Engels, B., & McKay, B. (eds.), Handbook of Critical Agrarian Studies (pp. 401 – 409). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Geenen, S.; Bashizi, A.; Lunanga, E.; Dunia Kabunga, P.; Ntibonera Mushagalusa, A.; Kuliumbwa, E.; Bahati Mukulu, J. (2021) Industrie minière et développement local. Focus sur l’emploi dans les sous-traitances. IOB Working Paper 2021.01. Institute of Development Policy, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Geenen, S. and Gleiberman, M. (2021) Superfluous jobs in extractive industries. The usefulness/uselessness of job creation after dispossession. Work, Employment and Society.
- Geenen, S. (2021) L’informalisation du travail : une enquête dans les sous-traitances du secteur minier en RDCongo. Dynamiques: histoire sociale en revue, 15/16: 1-13.
- Verbrugge, B., Lanzano, C. and Libassi, M. (2021) The cyanide revolution: Efficiency gains and exclusion in artisanal- and small-scale gold mining. Geoforum 126: 267-276.
- Verbrugge, B. and Robles Mengoa, E (2020) Making sense of global gold mining. Commodity Frontiers 1: 711.
- Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (2020) Introduction: Snapshots of Global Gold Mining. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (eds) Global gold production touching ground. Expansion, informalization, and technological innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Geenen, S. and Verbrugge, B. (2020) Theorizing the Global Gold Production System. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (2020) Global gold production touching ground. Expansion, informalization, and technological innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (2020) Global Expansion. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (2020) Global gold production touching ground. Expansion, informalization, and technological innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Geenen, S. and Verbrugge, B. (2020) Informalization. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (eds) Global gold production touching ground. Expansion, informalization, and technological innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Verbrugge, B. (2020) Technological Innovation and Structural Change. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (eds) Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Geenen, S. and Verbrugge, B. (2020) Conclusion. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (eds) Global gold production touching ground. Expansion, informalization, and technological innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave
- Geenen, S. and Marijsse, S. (2020) The Democratic Republic of Congo: From Stones in the River to Diving for Dollars. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (2020) Global gold production touching ground. Expansion, informalization, and technological innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Verbrugge, B. (2020) The Philippines: State-Sanctioned Informalization. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (eds) Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Robles Mengoa, M.E. and Uran, A. (2020) Colombia. Legal loopholes behind illegal gold trade. In: Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (eds) Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
- Geenen, S. and Cuvelier, J. (2019) Local elites’ extraversion and repositioning: Continuities and changes in Congo’s mineral production networks.The Extractive Industries and Society. An international journal, 6 (2): 390-398.
- Geenen, S. (2019) Gold and godfathers: local content, politics, and capitalism in extractive industries. World Development 123.
- Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (2019) The gold commodity frontier: A fresh perspective on change and diversity in the global gold mining economy. The Extractive Industries and Society. An international journal, 6 (2): 413-423.
Survey reports
- Bikubanya, D.L.; Geenen, S. and Verbrugge, B. (2022) InforMining. Une étude approfondie des dynamiques d’informalisation dans la production mondiale de l’or. République Démocratique du Congo. IOB Working paper 2022.03. University of Antwerp.
- Robles Mengoa, M.E.; Geenen, S.; Verbrugge, B. and López Valverde, R. (2022) InForMining. Un estudio profundo de la informalidad en la producción global del oro. Perú. IOB Working paper 2022.04. University of Antwerp.
- Robles Mengoa, E.E.; Geenen, S.; Verbrugge, B.; Besmanos, B. and López Valverde, R. (2022) InforMining. An in-depth study of informalization in global gold production. The Philippines. IOB Working paper 2022.05. University of Antwerp.
Policy briefs
- Bikubanya, D.L. ; Geenen, S. and Verbrugge, B. (2022) “La mort, c’est la nourriture du creuseur”. Le travail informel dans les mines de Shabunda et Watsa à l’Est de la RDC.Analysis and Policy briefs 45. Institute of Development Policy (IOB). University of Antwerp.
- Robles Mengoa, E.; Geenen, S.; Verbrugge, B.; Besmanos, B. and López Valverde, R. (2022) Underground struggles: Improving working conditions in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining. Lessons from Mindanao, Philippines. Analysis and Policy briefs 46. Institute of Development Policy (IOB). University of Antwerp.
- Robles Mengoa, E. ; Geenen, S. and Verbrugge, B. (2022) ¿Qué retos enfrenta la minería informal de oro en el Perú? Lecciones aprendidas de La Rinconada, Puno. Analysis and Policy briefs 45-46-47. Institute of Development Policy (IOB). University of Antwerp.
- Geenen, S.; Gleiberman, M. and Lunanga, E. (2020). The myth of sustainable jobs in extractives. Africa is a country – (2020.06.25)
- Verbrugge, B. and Geenen, S. (2020) Goedkope arbeid is een cruciale grondstof voor de wereldeconomie. Opinie, 09/02/2020.
- Verbrugge; B. and Titeca, K. (2019) Goede werkomstandigheden zijn goud waard. De Standaard 02/05/2019
- Geenen, S., & Verbrugge, B. (2020). Meet the struggling gold miners who are missing out on boom in the precious metal.